Trump trashes 50-year-old environmental law, blames coronavirus — Grist

With the nation’s eyes on ongoing protests for racial justice (not to mention a seemingly endless public health crisis), last week President Trump signed an executive order that would waive key requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The landmark 1970 law requires federal agencies to consider the environmental impacts of proposed federal actions…

via Trump trashes 50-year-old environmental law, blames coronavirus — Grist

Water Crisis and Potential in investing in Dams & helping future generations to have clean water and stable economy

My title of my post shows a complete picture of what we need not only in any one country but it’s a worldwide need.

I will be writing on this issue in coming week so do check it out.

Climate change Effect is going to be Worse then our Imaginations

Shortly after Donald Trump was sworn in as president on Friday, the White House said that eliminating power plant climate rules, a clean water rule, and other environmental regulations would “greatly help American workers, increasing wages by more than $30 billion over the next seven years.” The statement, included on the White House’s website to…

via Tossing environmental rules won’t raise wages, no matter what the White House says — Grist

Fall of British Pound after Brexit



(Picture taken from Google image)

The consequently fall of the British Pound after the Brexit is catastrophic for the people living in the Great Britain but the people living outside the UK  are loving it.The goods & products which are imported Nowadays a lot cheaper & if this process continues and the Pound fails to recover then Its a quite shocking news.The economist of Great Britain have to come up with a plan before its to late.

  • EU Future
  • Great Britain Future
  • Europe Future
  • EU & Asia Future


The article will be further updated in 24 hour.